Gardening Australia at Eryldene

ABC’s Gardening Australia host Costa Georgiadis & Helen Wallace, the Eryldene’s Head Gardener.

ABC’s Gardening Australia host Costa Georgiadis & Helen Wallace, the Eryldene’s Head Gardener.


Just before shutdown struck at the end of June, the ABC gardening show Gardening Australia came to Eryldene, with Costa Georgiadis and his director, scriptwriter and cameraman to showcase Eryldene in its early camellia season as the anchor site for the Gardening Australia episode which goes to view on Friday, 10th September at 7.30pm. Do watch and enjoy the camera’s glimpses of the early camellias - sadly hidden away from us all since that time.

Costa says he always enjoys coming to Eryldene and was delighted to see the work that had been done on the rejuvenation of the camellias, thanks to a gift from Howard Tanner. Repotting the larger camellias, set down for July/August has had to be postponed because of Covid, and now will be carried out at the end of autumn next year.

Banner Image: Costa Georgiadis, Penny Holden (Trustee), Sheridan Burke (Chair), Lesley Walker (Eryldene’s new Tenant).

Costa goes Live at eryldene!

While Costa was filming at Eryldene, he explored the garden on his own and gave a great impromptu tour via Facebook Live. Enjoy his tour and commentary in the video below.