New Shoots!

Garden Volunteer Helen Wallace and Eryldene’s honorary garden advisor Colleen Morris inspecting the storm-damaged jasmine.

Garden Volunteer Helen Wallace and Eryldene’s honorary garden advisor Colleen Morris inspecting the storm-damaged jasmine.

New shoots on the Jasmine azoricum in early September 2021.

New shoots on the Jasmine azoricum in early September 2021.

After storm damage last year, the beautiful trellis and arch are being repaired. The rare jasmine (Jasminum azoricum) entwined on the trellis had to be disentangled and cuttings were taken by the Eryldene gardeners, as major vines were unwound from the trellis.

A few months have passed and lo and behold, shoots have blossomed on the old vines. We can now create a separate support for the jasmine and repair the trellis keeping as much as is possible of its original fabric.

The Jasminum azoricum was a plant specifically selected by the professor for its fragrance and we hope to reinstate a matching plant on the opposite side of the arch in due course.